
  • Where to start? Try an Architect.

    I’ve been asked so many times ‘what does an architect do? ‘. Well, I believe we solve spatial and design problems and create wonderful spaces in wh...
  • Selecting a site for your home.

    To be honest, none of them look like much at the start: a bit of land, maybe it has trees or maybe its bare. It might have a view or it might not -...
  • BAL! What’s it mean.

    BAL, three letters that can make a big difference to your new house plans. Bushfire Attack Level (BAL), if you would like to review in detail the A...
  • I bought a steep site. HELP!

    Congratulations are in order - you’ve purchased a new site! But…it’s not your standard site and now you’re wondering what’s the best way to tackle ...